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Create Your Own Prospecting Assembly Line

• Consistently generate new opportunities with ideal prospects

• Keep your prospect pipeline full – even in slow economic time

• Sustain your enthusiasm, focus, performance and results

Build a $1 - $4 Million Book of Business

  • 0% theory, just 52 weeks of 100% battle-proven methods

  • PhD program culmination of 5 years of research and development

  • Content built from close observation and collaboration with top prospectors

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Escape From The Killer Sales Grind

  • Never again feel hurt by far too many “No Thanks” replies

  • Engage with prospects who never feel like they’re being sold to

  • Elevate your status and ability to deliver great value every step of the way

Watch this video to learn more!

Chad Jenkins & Jeff Jenkins explain how ProspectingPHD can help you build your book.


Enrollment Deadline: March 18th, 2021

  • Online program begins March 25, 2021 

  • Weekly classes, 45 – 60 minutes every Thursday starting at 1 p.m. Eastern 

"I am enjoying this business for the very first time. I have developed a more strategic approach and feel more rewarded than ever. 

Since becoming a Blueprint Partner I have written 5 high value cases for $1.2 million in revenue.”


- Beverly. FL 

“We were continuously being drawn into bidding wars and capabilities presentations, yielding disappointing results. Blueprint allows us to differentiate with every client and prospect and we are valued more for what we know instead of our ‘stuff.’


Since becoming a Blueprint Partner we have written 30 cases by BOR with a 70% closing ratio.”


- Lauren. NV 

2021 Sun Life MVP-Exclusive Offer* 

  • One-time-only offer: $6,000 per agency
    (normally per advisor)

  • Platinum brokers eligible for up to 5 seats 

  • Gold brokers eligible for up to 2 seats 

  • Silver brokers eligible for 1 seat 

* Offer is MVP Growth Fund eligible. Contact your Strategic Account Manager to find out your current fund balance. 

52 weeks of 100% battle-proven methods

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A Blueprint Consulting Program

Outcomes for PhD Graduates

  • How to keep from being road blocked by, “I’m happy with my current broker”, “We want to wait until this Covid stuff settles down”, “I don’t handle the insurance you need to speak with someone who really doesn’t handle the insurance”, “I renew in January, call me in September” ... and many others!

  • How to leverage tools like LinkedIn and MiEdge in unique ways that work instead of just a ton of shotgun style activity or connections that never go anywhere.

  • Regularly utilize a concept called “Running the ROOTA™” (Referral Out Of Thin Air) to make getting great referrals and introductions exponentially easier.

  • A step-by-step guide to partnering with COI’s (CPA’s, Bankers, Attorneys etc.).

  • Learn why and how a vertical or niche is the fastest way to growth and the powerful impact it has on marketing and prospecting.

  • How to use the power of educational marketing as a prospecting tool and go well beyond the webinar/seminar itself. (Spoiler Alert: It’s a value-based, multi-touch approach, and they don’t even have to show up for the webinar/seminar!) 

Outcomes for Sale Leaders

  • The ability to set and maintain new, team-wide prospecting performance benchmarks.

  • A formula for defining, measuring, and managing a Robust Pipeline.

  • Repeatable, replicable, and transferable methods to empower all producers to create their own Prospecting Assembly Line.

  • Measurable increase in client retention and per-client revenue.

  • Pronounced, agency-wide uptick in satisfaction, positivity, and engagement.

"Good morning Jeff!

Two more of our guys just eclipsed $1 million book of business and both attribute a good part of that success to you.

JW who is literally a Jenkins disciple and also AB who has the most diversified book in our entire agency with 33-33-33 between PL, CL, and Benefits.

Very cool to see them both go past that milestone. That makes 10 with a million and 2 with two million. We sure appreciate all you have done and continue to do for us.

Hope all is well with you and your family and everyone is healthy."

- Your friend PH

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A Blueprint Consulting Program


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